What is the role of the Governing Board?
Every maintained school has a Governing Board which makes decisions about how the school is run and makes plans for it to develop in the future.
Our Governing Board is a keen, enthusiastic and very supportive group of people who take their statutory responsibilities for the school very seriously. They are very familiar with the life of the school and work hard to ensure it continually improves.
Each Governing Board is made up of parents, staff, people appointed by the Local Authority and residents from the local community. In this way all interested groups can give their views of how the school works.
The Governing Board looks after the upkeep of the school buildings both inside and out, how the school money is spent, how many staff there are and what they do, the safety of the children, staff and visitors and and much more.
Our Governing Board meets each term for the Main Meeting and then also termly for our Committee Meeting.
If there is anything you would like to know or let the Governing Board know about please contact the Chair.
You can send our Chair of Governors a message via our School Business Manager sarah.allen@larkhill-nur.stockport.sch,uk
If you are interested in joining our Governing Body come and have a chat with the Headteacher, Jo O'Raw or you can e-mail her on: headteacher@larkhill-nur.stockport.sch.uk
Our Governing Board
Hannah Rahman
Chair of Governors
Hannah is a Community Governor and our Chair of the Governing Board
"As a parent of three children I am a strong believer in the importance of giving children a great foundation through high quality Early Years education and care. Lark Hill Nursery School has provided this fantastic start for my two youngest children and as a parent governor I aim to offer my skills and experience in order to support and give constructive advice to the the staff, so that together we can act in the best interests of the school and the children, whilst continuing to develop the Nursery and it's positive reach within the wider community."
Jo O'Raw
Jo O'Raw is the Headteacher of the Nursery
"I have been the Headteacher of Lark Hill Nursery School since 2005. I love how excited the children are every day as they skip into the Nursery and how supportive the wonderful families are. I am proud of our fantastic Nursery and know our staff do a wonderful job to help the children learn and thrive and it is wonderful to be a part of such a talented team. I am responsible for creating the right environment for children, families and staff to flourish. I strongly believe in creating an inclusive school where everyone is valued and it is important to me that everyone feels welcomed and listened to. I am the Designated Safeguarding Lead for our Nursery and the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator. I love sharing our practice with other Nurseries and lead training for other professionals, including Headteachers. I enjoy walking, camping and being in the countryside. I also love challenging myself to think about and learn anything new."
Sarah Allen
Sarah Allen is our School Business Manager and an Associate Governor
She shares with the Governors updates on our budget and how we are ensuring we get best value for the Nursery. As part of our Senior Leadership Team she contributes to our plans for the future of the Nursery and develops and leads on our marketing strategy.
Sophia Ramsbottom
Sophia is a Marketing Manager.
"I feel passionate that if you have time to give something back to your local community then you should. I have two young children and have therefore experienced home schooling over the last year and believe teachers and schools deserve as much support as they can get."
Eleanor Alton Gee
Parent Governor
“As a parent governor I’m really passionate about being the voice of the parents, just as much as providing support to the nursery.
Currently my son attends the nursery who is currently being assessed for autism, the support the nursery are providing and tailored development plans for him really showed me just how much they care about each individuals child and the work they put in to making sure it’s set up for each and everyone really is amazing.
I love the family feel of the nursery, and I’ve seen the support they provide to parents not just the children, and wanted to help them achieve their goals so it made absolute sense to me to become a governor.
I really enjoy engaging with other parents as well as developing in a more assisting role for the nursery to work through some of their key aims and I’m enjoying delving deeper into training and adding to my current skills at the same time. “
Chloe Higgins
“I am the Teacher at Lark Hill Nursery School and I am our Staff Governor. I am so proud of the work we do, how we support our children and families and the relationships we create. I enjoy being staff governor to represent the team and share our wonderful practice.”
Hannah Rahman
Chair of Governors
Hannah is a Community Governor and our Chair of the Governing Board "As a parent of three children I am a strong believer in the importance of giving children a great foundation through high quality Early Years education and care. Lark Hill Nursery School has provided this fantastic start for my two youngest children and as a parent governor I aim to offer my skills and experience in order to support and give constructive advice to the the staff, so that together we can act in the best interests of the school and the children, whilst continuing to develop the Nursery and it's positive reach within the wider community."

Jo O'Raw
Jo O'Raw is the Headteacher of the Nursery "I have been the Headteacher of Lark Hill Nursery School since 2005. I love how excited the children are every day as they skip into the Nursery and how supportive the wonderful families are. I am proud of our fantastic Nursery and know our staff do a wonderful job to help the children learn and thrive and it is wonderful to be a part of such a talented team. I am responsible for creating the right environment for children, families and staff to flourish. I strongly believe in creating an inclusive school where everyone is valued and it is important to me that everyone feels welcomed and listened to. I am the Designated Safeguarding Lead for our Nursery and the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator. I love sharing our practice with other Nurseries and lead training for other professionals, including Headteachers. I enjoy walking, camping and being in the countryside. I also love challenging myself to think about and learn anything new."

Sarah Allen
Sarah Allen is our School Business Manager and an Associate Governor She shares with the Governors updates on our budget and how we are ensuring we get best value for the Nursery. As part of our Senior Leadership Team she contributes to our plans for the future of the Nursery and develops and leads on our marketing strategy.
Sophia Ramsbottom
Sophia is a Marketing Manager. "I feel passionate that if you have time to give something back to your local community then you should. I have two young children and have therefore experienced home schooling over the last year and believe teachers and schools deserve as much support as they can get."

Eleanor Alton Gee
Parent Governor
“As a parent governor I’m really passionate about being the voice of the parents, just as much as providing support to the nursery. Currently my son attends the nursery who is currently being assessed for autism, the support the nursery are providing and tailored development plans for him really showed me just how much they care about each individuals child and the work they put in to making sure it’s set up for each and everyone really is amazing. I love the family feel of the nursery, and I’ve seen the support they provide to parents not just the children, and wanted to help them achieve their goals so it made absolute sense to me to become a governor. I really enjoy engaging with other parents as well as developing in a more assisting role for the nursery to work through some of their key aims and I’m enjoying delving deeper into training and adding to my current skills at the same time. “

Chloe Higgins
“I am the Teacher at Lark Hill Nursery School and I am our Staff Governor. I am so proud of the work we do, how we support our children and families and the relationships we create. I enjoy being staff governor to represent the team and share our wonderful practice.”